St John's and St Leonard's Church Bedford
St John's and St Leonard's Church Bedford 

The Team

Meet a few key folk from the St John's and St Leonard's leadership team.

Helen Stewart

-Priest in Charge

David Lambert
 - Lay Reader





Hilary Searle

- Church Warden

- Parish Safeguarding Deputy






Dan Payton

- Worship Leader

- Church Warden


Simon Brocklehurst

- Worship Leader

- Treasurer



Margaret Lambert

 - Parish Safeguarding Officer

Parochial Church Council (PCC)

- A committee that consists of the Rector,  the 2 Church Wardens, the Lay Reader, 2 Deanery Synod representatives and then up to 9 other members elected by the congregation at the APCM. The PCC meet every 3 months.

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© St John's & St Leonard's PCC, Bedford
The PCC of St John's & St Leonard's is a registered charity no.1131545